Baguio Street Kids football featured in PDA

Street kids’ soccer cup
12:26 am | Monday, October 24th, 2011

From left: Coach Ariston Bucalan of BUFC, 
City Mayor Mauricio Domogan, Congressman Bernardo Vergara, and
 Goshen CEO Alexander Bangsoy during the press conference

BAGUIO CITY—The city government is hosting the first Street Kids Football Cup from Nov. 27 to Dec. 18, drawing soccer teams organized for street children in Metro Manila and other parts of Luzon.
The tournament will raise funds for a shelter devoted to members of the Baguio Street Kids Football Club, which was organized by the Baguio United Football Club and Goshen Land, the real estate company that donated the lot for the facility.
“Football will pave the way for the city’s homeless street children to kick a goal, not just through the net but straight to a safe place where they can sleep without being shooed away in the morning,” said Annabelle Bangsoy who leads Caring Hands, Goshen Land’s 
social protection foundation. 
Inquirer Northern Luzon

Goshen Land, City host Street Kids Football Cup for a Cause

Football will pave the way for the city’s roaming, homeless street kids to make a goal. Not just a goal kick that charges through the net in the field  but hopefully a safe sleep at night in a shelter where they don’t have to be shooed away in the morning.

Goshen Land , in cooperation with the city government of Baguio and the Baguio United Football Club (BUFC) will host the  first Vergara-Domogan Street Kids’ Football Cup for a Cause held on all weekends from November 27-December 18 at the Melvin Jones.


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Here are some photos for your reference.


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